You make the point in your article about how this is nothing new, and you provide some eerie examples. My question: why is this issue on your mind right now? Most likely due to the chaotic first few weeks of Trump's presidency. The man loves to create chaos, as chaos induces fear, and fear interrupts the ability of the "higher thinking" part of our brain to work at its best, leaving the ancient amygdala to take over. By introducing over and over again that constant low level sense of fear, those in power have an effective way to keep we the people immobilized. This is why I absolutely hate our political system -- everything that we think about is reduced to a zero sum game (per this definition: The meaning of ZERO-SUM GAME is a situation in which one person or group can win something only by causing another person or group to lose it.)
If we look at two-party politics, Republicans vs. Dems, the Dems have been equally responsible for reprehensible policies (including population control), but we don't hear about it.
The internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII.
And, the ongoing misery inflicted on black and brown Americans here in the US.
The US Empire needs to be dismantled, and we the people need to be united in that effort. We need to have mass shutdowns of workplaces, and be ready to support those who may lose their jobs in that process. Mass strikes were effective in the past, and they can be effective again, if only we don't give in to our fears.