Member-only story
Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket
Choosing priorities in the upcoming elections
Choosing a candidate to vote for is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Especially in these times when every one of those eggs represents issues that need to be addressed immediately to prevent further deterioration of our society.
Global warming, racism, the right to an abortion, education, housing, poverty, healthcare, social services. These are the eggs. There will be no chickens forthcoming if we drop the eggs on any of these issues.
In my city, we will be electing a new mayor. Three candidates are in the Democratic primary taking place next week. One of the candidates has some really good solutions for the city’s housing crisis. Another candidate has strong ideas to improve our schools. The third candidate places “the economy” as his top issue.
My mind is already working overtime. I’ve dismissed the “economy” candidate. His plans sound very much like those of a Republican. I am torn between the other two candidates, asking myself, should the first issue to be tackled by the new administration be education or housing.
Homeless people will have trouble attending school and getting jobs, so maybe that should be the priority. Yet, the kids in our schools are…