Nice words, Mitch. Our capitalist society, where the bottom line (money) is the focus, propagandizes us into believing that rugged individualism is some kind of virtue. It's not. We all truly need one another. There is no "other", we are one. Most people never think deeply, and live their lives "on the surface". It's a way of not facing the problems of the world and our complicity in those problems. There is no sense of gratefulness for these people. There is only a sense of entitlement. I believe that we need to change the way we teach children, and this is not an easy task. But we need to start somewhere. I have been working on an article about our educational system and how it indoctrinates us to see the view through a lens of unfettered capitalism and the triumph of the individual, rather than a more socialist lens, promoting the good of society as a whole.
Great article, BTW.