If there is a warning of a nuclear attack, I will stand out in the open and say "Take me now, I'm ready to die." I have no desire to live in a nuclear winter environment. As for those billionaire bunkers, the infighting would kill them all off. I don't worry about the AI stuff. People in Sweden are already unlocking doors with chips embedded in their hands https://www.npr.org/2018/10/22/658808705/thousands-of-swedes-are-inserting-microchips-under-their-skin#:~:text=In%20Sweden%2C%20a%20country%20rich,their%20hands%20against%20digital%20readers. and in Whole Foods we now have the option of checking out with our palms https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/retail/amazon-one-whole-foods-market-palm-scanning