I, too, do not care to share earnings info, as I don't write for financial reasons. But, your article compelled me to share this: I usually earn less than $10 (yes ten dollars) a month from Medium. I post several times a week. I have a growing following, yet very few reads. I will continue to write here as I appreciate sharing comments and hearing from the very few people who respond to my work. I have noticed huge changes on Medium. I read a lot, and I am always looking for new writers. Yet, I find the most popular articles on this site are about technology, rehashes of status-quo opinions, and listicles. I have started writing on Substack, asking for no payment. All my work is free. I actually started reading Substack articles in my quest for news stories that the mainstream media doesn't cover. I feel that the topics I choose to write about have a better "fit" with the Substack audience. I will continue to write on Medium, but I really don't expect to find more actual readers of my work.