I make a pittance for my writing. I spend 5 to 8 hours on every article that I write, as I am a stickler for research, and my busy life constantly interrupts my work in progress. I didn't start writing to make money (but it is great if that were to happen). I write because there are things that I feel really strongly about, and I hope that someone who may have never been aware of the back stories about why our country is so fucked up, and how our society is toxic and not normal, may read my work (which is greatly influenced by Buddhist principles and Noam Chomsky) and begin to search for answers on their own. For me, making money is simply a dream, not a reality. I write because I need to.
Yet, I really don't find much desire for my words on Medium. That's okay. I feel more "at home" on Substack, where I also write. I don't even ask for compensation there.