I don't want to argue with anyone. I just feel that we are well past the point where electoral politics will make any difference in where our country is headed. Both parties ignore the will of the people, or give small tokens of support that do nothing to change the worsening inequality. If you wish to understand where I am coming from, I kindly suggest reading Chris Hedges book: America: The Farewell Tour (or finding a video on YouTube where he discuses this book) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moASDiENbfw Cornel West's campaign, in his own words, reflects "a moment in a movement." Because people are lost, and are turning to demagogues like Trump, because throughout history that's what people have done in times of despair. West is reaching out to people so that they don't go that route, people who see that the Democrats no longer support the workers, but are the party of Wall Street.